How to Install a Root Barrier

Tree roots can cause big problems for homeowners if they spread beneath driveways and other structures.  As the roots grow, they'll push their way through any obstruction, including concrete and asphalt, causing cracking and, in extreme cases, subsidence.  You can still enjoy having trees on your land whilst preventing tree roots from impacting on buildings and other structures by installing root barriers. Root barriers work by containing the roots of growing trees and shrubs, preventing them from spreading out beneath the ground. [Read More]

Some Important Questions to Ask About Tree Removal

Removing a tree on your property can be necessary if the tree is diseased or decayed, which in turn can mean that it's a danger to you and to your home or garage. When a tree falls over completely or splits and cracks and parts of it fall, it can take down power lines, smash through a roof, or even completely wreck a car underneath it. When you think you're ready to have a tree removed from your property, note some important questions you might first ask a removal service. [Read More]

Make trees around your house look how you want them to look

If you have a problematic tree or trees, tree lopping is the only choice. A problematic tree means that it has branches that can damage your house or it is too old so it can fall on your house. It both cases, you must hire a professional, like those at Ashmere Tree Solutions. Trying to solve this problem by yourself isn't an option. You could potentially make mistakes and destroy the whole house. [Read More]

What Is Tree Lopping?

Tree lopping, sometimes known as tree felling, is when various sections of a tree are trimmed. Lopping your trees may involve clearing away branches or shortening the trees trunk. There are two different thoughts when it comes to tree lopping. Some people believe that it is beneficial to use the process of tree lopping, whilst others believe that tree lopping should be avoided at all costs. Tree lopping very often takes place for landscaping purposes. [Read More]