Five Steps To The Perfect Fire

There's nothing quite like a roaring fire on a chilly evening. Whether you're holding a bonfire party in your back garden, setting a campfire on an evening in the woods or creating an atmosphere for a night on the beach, there are just five steps to the perfect blaze. Step One: Gather Everything You'll Need The perfect fire has a few key ingredients: An ignition source, such as a lighter or matches. [Read More]

Whiteout: Removing Invasive White Poplars From Your Land

Many species of exotic and invasive trees plague Australia, but few are as beautiful and stately as a fully-grown white poplar. It's easy to see why this tree, also known as the silver poplar or abele, was imported for ornamental use. But however attractive the tree may appear, it has a definite ugly side. This aggressive and highly durable tree can cause a world of problems in the areas it invades, and any landowner or farmer who finds one or more of these alien trees growing on their land would be well-advised to remove them. [Read More]

Questions to Ask a Potential Tree Lopping Service

Tree lopping can help to keep trees healthy, as removing old and decayed branches will allow new branches to grow. Trees get oxygen and moisture through the leaves on branches, so dead branches can soon lead to a dead tree. Tree lopping can also reduce the risk of your tree getting in the way of power lines and other cables. Whatever your reasons for calling a professional tree lopping service, note a few questions to ask so you know you hire the best company and the work is done to your satisfaction. [Read More]

Chain Saw Safety Tips

If you have trees on your land, you'll need to remove dead branches, or even whole trees, from time to time.  In the case of particularly large trees, or if the job requires working at height, always use the services of your local tree services contractor.  You can tackle smaller jobs yourself, and having the use of a chainsaw makes this much easier and quicker.  However, a chainsaw is a potentially highly dangerous piece of kit. [Read More]